“Education is not the learning of facts but the training of minds to think.” – Albert Einstein

Education is one of the means to transmit the light of life and spread the radiance of it in the ambiance in which we live. We focus on the integral development of each student under the banner of Sanjo family and lay a lot of impetus on honing every aspects of child’s personality that works towards nurturing the child into a happy and well equipped human being.

Our school carries for the individual development of each and every student. We accord prime importance to the behavioral discipline, moral integrity, and cognitive development of our students.

Our teachers strive to teach not only academic programs but also life skills needed for student’s self developments. Every parent and child looks forward to acknowledgement and admiration and so a keen effort is always made to gain recognition. To excel in school activities is encouraged and carried and also taken to ensure the well being and happiness of each and every student in the school.

Along with academic excellence let us move towards being a person who will be the embodiment of kindness, truth worthiness and responsibility.

I hope you enjoy your visit to the website.